In its tiny form, it carries the road map of a big life. It is the source of life. If the seed is good, life is good. Therefore, let’s first learn how to get good seeds. We must collect the seeds at the physiological maturity stage known as ‘full maturity’. Nothing that is not fully ripe can bear fruit. We must not overlook this issue for the germination and healthy development of seeds. Our flowering plants remain in bloom for a certain period of time. Gradually the flowers begin to fade and fall off. Now the seeds are starting to form. The shell surrounding the seed begins to dry, turns yellow, brown and eventually dries. At this stage, care is taken to ensure the integrity of the embryo (seed rudiment) while removing the seeds from their shells. Immature seeds are lighter than others. We can also recognize ripe seeds by their weight. We call the seeds we will use in production ‘seeds for planting’. What should we pay attention to for good seed cultivation?
- Before collecting seeds, we must carefully observe our plants and ensure that they are healthy and free of diseases and pests.
- When purchasing seeds, it is very important to choose those that fully exhibit the characteristics of the species. This is essential for the continuation of the pure generation.
- Before collecting seeds, we must become familiar with them. Examining the condition of the varieties we will collect based on a healthy seed sample, taking into account factors such as sufficient size and correct color, allows us to make conscious choices.
- The seeds must be dried completely before harvesting. If it is not dried thoroughly, it can be dried on shelves in a warm environment where air can circulate underneath. If we have a small amount of seed stock, we can easily achieve this by closing the sieve. Resistant seeds are the dry ones.
How do we collect and sort the seeds?
If we are not producing on an industrial scale, this information will make our job easier.

Seed production technologies are quite advanced on an industrial scale. Before starting the task, we need to have materials such as scissors, gloves, bonnet, mask and storage packages with us, depending on the type we will collect. Herbaceous plants have containers in which seeds are stored, although it varies depending on the species. Since these casings are dry, it is easy to remove the seeds from them. In some cases, mechanical force is needed to separate the seeds. If the necessary harvesting machine is not available, this process can also be done by beating with sticks. Tree seeds are collected after they fall to the ground or while they are on the branch. The first seeds that fall to the ground are thrown away because they do not mature. Suitable ones are selected from the remaining seeds.
How Do We Store Seeds?
Seeds have certain germination periods. At the end of this period, known as the germination life, the seeds lose their vitality. In order for the seeds to maintain their germination life for a long time, we must pay attention to the following points: The seeds must be disinfected before storing them. This helps destroy germs, fungi, viruses, bacteria and insects present in the seeds. We can achieve this with the following natural methods.

What should the environment in which the seeds be stored be?
The environment where we store the seeds should be dark, light-free, away from moisture and cool. We can also store these in the deep freezer. However, there is a risk of spoilage due to potential moisture. To prevent this, we can put vacuum packages in the deep freezer. Adding oak wood ash to the containers in which we store the seeds can help remove excess moisture.